Travel Thoughts: Possibilities

Travel Thoughts: Possibilities

Make it happen. Chase your sunshine. It’s now or never. Close your eyes. Inhale adventure. Exhale passion. Dream THE dream. Let it flow from the deepest of your imagination to the core of your being; bursting from the heart and traversing through the marrow of your bones. Feel your heart pulsating to the beat of your wildest dreams.  Let go and dive deep. Take a leap of faith. Here we go. It’s now or never.

Here’s to possibilities. To once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and second chances. To letting the universe take its course as you set out to see the world and finally chase your sunshine. To infinite moments of wandering and wondering what took you so long to embrace the life that’s been waiting for you all along. To mornings spent by the beach blinded by the first rays of the morning sun you've never seen in a long while. Because you were too busy to care; too occupied to pause. To leaving the job you no longer love. To breaking up with people who no longer fit into your life. To leaving and believing. To finally buying that one-way ticket and actually boarding the flight that will take you out there. Away. Alive. Amazed.

Here’s to possibilities. Of discovering ancient ruins. Of trekking unbelievably perfect natural and man-made wonders. Of sailing seas you’ve only read in books and blogs. Of meeting people from different races. Of speaking broken foreign languages. Of surviving. Of finding a home in places and faces that are not really home. Most of the time it won’t make sense but trust that it would. Someday, it would.  

However, be warned: not everything would be perfect; not every moment would be amazing. You will board the wrong train. There will be missed flights. Your heart will be shattered into a million pieces by a British guy you barely know. The accommodation you booked online will suck. You will be underwhelmed by one of your dream destinations. You will meet friends and lose some of them along the way. You’ll wake up nursing a terrible hangover from last night’s exotic festival. Be at peace with these facts. 

There would be impossibly hurting misfortunes along with the never-ending happy endings but keep the faith, my friend. Hold on tight to your dreams; to the wanderlust you've suppressed for a long, long time. Let it be the fuel that keeps you going. It wouldn't always be fun and easy but I swear to you, dreams do come true, miracles happen, and the possibilities will always be waiting. It’s all around you. 

Just close your eyes. Inhale wanderlust. Exhale courage. Ever so slowly, open your eyes and let it all unfold before you. Embrace everything. Now, off you go. Make it happen. Chase your sunshine. It’s now or never.  

"It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting." 

- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

15 komento


  2. That's one of my favorites as well, sis! Coelho always say what's in our hearts! <3 Sending sunshines to wherever you are!

  3. Coelho has a way with capturing the essence of what we believe in. Lovely post. We live by serendipity, as it seems you do too.

  4. Great post! Always inspiring to read about others following their passion and dreams in life!

  5. So inspiring! We shouldn't ever give up on our dreams. It may take time but in the end, if you try hard enough, everything does work out.

  6. Wow, such words to live by! People so often let what they really want get pushed aside. But I agree with the ending quote, having a dream and working at it is what makes life worth it!

  7. Amen to that! It's all about taking the good with the bad, and the amazing with the sad. In the end there's no use trying to avoid the messy parts, because life is the messy parts!

  8. Love this. It's true, travel isn't always glamorous, but even in the worst moments it's creating a good story for later ;)

  9. Truth! I love this post. I love you said inhale adventure, exhale passion. Everything is a part of adventure, whether good or bad

  10. Be in the moment and live your best life :)

  11. This is exactly what I needed to read today! As we finalize our open-ended travel plans as scary as it is. I can't wait to start the adventure!

  12. I totally agree - the yin and yang of traveling. One day you are on top of the world and the next you are hungover with a broken heart. It is the wanderlust matra, I do believe!

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